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before the start of the 2500 show, 1740 token was collected, 760 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 1739 token was collected, 761 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 1735 token was collected, 765 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 1734 token was collected, 766 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 1670 token was collected, 830 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 1633 token was collected, 867 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 1578 token was collected, 922 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 1424 token was collected, 1076 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 1318 token was collected, 1182 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 815 token was collected, 1685 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 671 token was collected, 1829 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 660 token was collected, 1840 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 658 token was collected, 1842 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 616 token was collected, 1884 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 610 token was collected, 1890 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 602 token was collected, 1898 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 521 token was collected, 1979 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 441 token was collected, 2059 is left until the start of the show! *
before the start of the 2500 show, 423 token was collected, 2077 is left until the start of the show! *
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