
Žensko / 40 godina / Vaga

Ona sada nije na mreži. Posljednji put bio je danas.

Kad će biti na mreži

Pronađite djevojku na mreži


ur dreams, LA
Etnička pripadnostBijelac/Kavkaski
JeziciEngleski, Ruski
Veličina poprsjeVeliki
Veličina dupetaVeliki
Boja koseBrineta
Boja očijuSmeđe

O meni

I am delighted to welcome everyone. Ready for new acquaintances, communication, friendship. I am soft and sensual lady i really like to warmed up, playful mood, real sparkle in the eyes, opened smile. I like gentle men who can understand and be patient in different situations. I like to do good shows so we can be good sexual friends.


A rough, hoarse, deep voice causes a wave of excitement in me. I am driven mad by strong sinewy hands, in the veins of which the boiling lava of passion and desire to possess me and my body spreads. I love it when my clitoris throbs and throbs with desire, and they keep teasing me. I love to beg not to stop.


Сильные жилистые руки с проступающими венами. Выпирающие ключицы. Пульсирующий от возбуждения член.

Ne volim

I do not accept arrogant, rude, lazy, those who waste my time in vain, those who do not know how to hear, find a compromise and negotiate. I hate hypocrites who make gods out of themselves, but are deep **** beetles. I am repulsed by anyone who thinks that a lie can take advantage of me.


трата времени впустую. нытье

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